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N O N - T O P I C A L


There’s a few things I know for sure. First, is that I don't know everything. Second, is if you ask any beauty or wellness professional, the actual service that we provide is only 10% of our job. The other 90% I like to call non


Non-topical (adjective)

2. as not applied to a localized part of the body.

The non-topical skills are tools that I must bring on every assignment and apply on every client. These are skills that are not taught in most beauty schools. Skills like how to handle conflict resolution. More specifically, how to encourage a client who has the conflict of self-doubt or self-hate. We all have a level of insecurity, but there’s something very vulnerable about sitting in a chair and letting a beauty professional observe your “challenges and as a licensed esthetician and a beauty professional I’ve spent years providing services and recommending products to clients. Whether it's how to get rid of hyperpigmentation or being asked what my favorite matte red lipstick is (ruby woo by MAC -- hands down), I love creating a level of trust between my clients that allows them to value my opinion. Many times clients introduce me to new products. It’s one of the best parts of my job.

From skincare to makeup, it seems like there’s a new product that hits the market daily. But let me share an uncommon beauty secret with you. It’s not known by many. It's exclusive. You can’t get it online or even from a store. Oddly enough it's always in stock. The demand is low but the supply is endless. If you look closely you’ll see it advertised all around you.

There’s no retailer in the world that can sell it to you. It’s the one thing that gives you an ultimate glow within. It is sustainable and applicable to all skin tones and all ages.

Some of the most talented artist and entertainers in the world have it. They’ve been the most beautiful people that I have met. All these individuals have one thing in common, they’ve been able to obtain it and find it. They have found their INNER GEM! The inner gem is by far the most valuable non topical item that I have in my kit. It gives people a vibe. It’s a vibe that I can’t really explain but I’ll try. The best way to describe it is when you have this tool it brings peace and comfort that is unconditional. No one but yourself can disrupt the inner gem. Finding and elevating the inner gem takes work. One of the best ways that we can elevate our inner gem is by practicing self-love. Denying the negative thoughts and embracing challenges with confidence and courage. This isn’t done by contouring and highlighting. It's done by addressing the ongoing journey that deals with conscious living. A daily evaluation of your mental and spiritual health. It should be as natural as brushing your teeth in the morning.

When’s the last time you checked in with yourself? No really. We often spend on average anywhere between 20- 60 minutes doing our hair and makeup. If we were to spend an equal amount of time maintaining our non-topical features like we do our nails and hair, that's where the true beauty begins. These are one of many steps that it takes to elevate your inner gem. That gem is present in all of us. Some have found it and some have not. It’s like a treasure hunt.

Elizabeth Gilbert said it best in her book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. God hides jewels inside of us all and sits back and waits for us to find them. The moment you locate this gem is the moment you’ve begun living. If you’ve found your inner gem I encourage you to elevate it. If you haven’t found’s a clue. It’s right inside of you and it all starts with incorporating self-care and self-love into your daily life. I'm Valerie England and I'm honored to help you look and be the best you.

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