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  • Valerie England

3 Things You Need to Know About Brown Skin

WOC Need Sunscreen Too!

Although melanin does give natural sun protection it’s not enough to protect you from harmful UV rays. The challenge for most brown beauties is finding the perfect protection that doesn't leave a ghost like residue. We shouldn’t have to compromise healthy skin for crazy looking skin. One of my favorite sunscreen for brown skin is Unsun.

Hyper-pigmentation Can Be Avoided

Please don’t pick your skin! If you have an unwelcome visitor on your face do your best to avoid irritating it. Also avoid sun exposure when you can. I recommend using BioOil to treat hyper-pigmentation on the body.

Black Does Crack!

Get an eye cream sis. Be kind to your eyes! One of the fastest signs of aging are eye wrinkles. Invest in a great eye cream like Algenist GENIUS Ultimate Anti-Aging Eye Cream. Another tip, be gentle when applying makeup. Your eyes are the delicate part of your body.

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